Sunday, February 20, 2011

Maggi Lipas

Wuuuu ape pasal title maggi lipas dohhh, scaryyy nyeee >.<
Haha. Cakap KL pulak dah.

Oh yeaaa, memang MAGGI LIPAS ada lah zaman sekarang nih. Baru tadi bbrapa minit aku jumpa ! So yessss ! It really do exist ! hahaha. The taste ? perghhhhh. Terbaekkkk lah ! You guys can try at home alone XD hahaha. Maggi Lipas or The Cokcroach Maggi ? Hehehe. Aku baru ja bagi nama untuk maggi baru tuh :")

OK. Thats not the story that I wanted to tell you all lahhh. So tadi, memang perot aku dah lapaq plus gila dah memang tak sabaq2 nak makan ! Huh. Im alone just now so yess, NO FOOD ! NO . FOOD ! urghhhh, kakak2 abang2 adik2, mesti faham kan perasaan orang yang lapaqqqqq sangat sangat and then takdak mkanan kat rumah ? :'( Faham kan ? HAHA. I really dont know what to eat just now. Takkan nk makan meja krusi yg cantek molek tu kan. Heishh, ada ka dalam history world orang makan meja ? OK. *talking rubbishh, Stop it Lia !*

But then nevermind, aku punya kelebek2 cari dalam almari untuk makanan, dalam peti aihhhh pon tadak -___-' Perot aku memang dah marah da tem tuh ! but takpa2, niat lagi untuk mencari makanan, and yeahhhh ! Finallyyy ! Aku nampak sepaket maggi yang belum dibuka, hehehe, hanya tunggu masa aku nak baham ja ! Lepas dah siap direbusss, dimasakk, digorenggg, hahaha. Aku just tunggu masa ja nak makan :D Tengok maggi tu pon dah berasap-asap. Mmmmmm Marvelousss ! So aku start makan, makan dan makan tanpa m'hiraukan apa-apa pon. haha. ayat skema jehh. 

Tiba-tiba, JENGJENGJENG !!! aku nampak satu benda hitam atas maggi aku -__- Mana aku tak marah ! Dah la aku lapaq ! Haishh, lantas aku ambek la benda hitam tu. alaaa, kecik molek cuncun ja, tengok2, OMG !!! Lipasssss ! Cockroachhh ! Lipassss ! Mau tak jeritnya aku. Sampai dua ekoq plak tu. Ntah bapa ekoq dah aku telan paaa :O Haihh, sesak nafas aku -.- apa lagi, buang terosss MAGGI LIPAS tu ! Gewrliewrrrrrrrrrrr giLewrR doewHhH !!! *hahahaha* ha ni dia snapshot aku tadi. sempat lagi -.-'
Zzz. Kecik konek ja. Anak dia la tu, bawu lepas bersalin, last2 aku yang kena. Hampehhh =_="

Ni ha lepas aku tempias maggi lipas ni. Lipas sekoq lagi tak dapat dikesan

So at last, aku bantai 6keping roti Gardeniaaaa~ Thankyou. You saved me Gardenia :') Puas la jugak makan roti. hahaha. dari tak makan apa2 pon kan ? 

*Peringatan pada ibu-ibu yg mengandong supaya b'waspada terhadap makanan yea :) Jaga baby dalam perot tu jangan sampai lipas RAWR nanti ! hahaha. Jangan buat aksi ini di rumah*

Sorry :(

Hey, I just wanna say,
That I'm sorry for everything,
For everything that things happened nowadays,
I'm just saying to the people that I've hurted,
My mum, friends and whoever is...
I am Sorry :)
Because of my bad attitude and all that,
I really didnt mean to hurt okay,
Saying this for the last time again yeah,
SORRY guys :)

Auwww~ Soo cuteeeeee :')

Friday, February 18, 2011


Harliuuuwwwwwww(ada gaya mcm stacy tak ?)

Nih, mai cek nak habaq mai.
Aku HAPPY gila babeng sekarang nih ! 
Aku taktau napa and penyebab dia apa ? haha.
But but maybe my friend, opps sorry, bestfriend ok. 
She reallyyyyyy do makes me feel soo relieved todayyy :D
Oh yeaahh, lepas sesi temuduga tadi, eh sesi meluahkan perasaan lah !
Haaaa, puass ! Uwww~ I love my bestfriends :") ahak ! 
Feels so good and much comfortable when I have someone to talk to
and yeah of course sharing probs together and express our feelings to each other.
Feeling much better now cause I dont have to keep the prob to myself :)
Im just hoping that no problems and all will come after thisss !!!!
But umm.. what to do.. 
Allah sedang uji kita kan..
Bagi dugaan kat kita.
And we have to overcome and face it all.
Well thenn I'll just have to accept it :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another One Month

Another 1 month ? Wonder what the meaning of the title huh ?

Sheesh. Im talking about someone who make me umm no not crazy ok, not at all but maybe just insane a little bit, just a bit. haha. who make me smileeee even when I think of him, of course :') So yeaahh,another one more month i have to wait for him ? (haishhh, tak sabaq2 betoi aku nih) after that, I just really cant wait to see him shininggg macam bola sepak gitu. Wow ! I really can play football after this XD LOL ( ok, i know you guys are not really understand wth am i saying but at least just pretend to know ok ) Sorry to say guys, I'll become like too much 'gedik' when it come to this . haha . who cares ? People who are in love really knows about that. They dont really care what people said and blablabla. OK. Change the topic.

Hey mysweetypiestrawberryshortcakeappleorangesourmango~ haha. Im waiting for you okayyy ^_^ come back home SON. haha. I tggu sampai janggut dah tumbuh separas gown ala-ala Cinderella then potong janggut balek and so on lah. Yang pasti, berat you dah bertambah b'kilo-kilo, b'paun-paun and b'ganda-ganda yeaaaa. teheeee. so that after this, tak nampak kurusss dah -___- you will be THE MOK-MOK BOY. (sorry, gedik lagi) haha. Sooo three more weeks okay ! Three moree weeksss ! 3 more.weeks.! Clear ? Hehe. Hope you are in the pink while youre there. Last word from me...


Monday, February 14, 2011

New Lifeyyy

Hey there, ^_^

Sooo, this is it ! This the new me for this year 2011, Aliaa Natasya, and there's a new fresh life for me in the future. I know there is right ? From now on, I'm just gonna let go of my past and just go for the future ! weeee. All the very bad memories I shall left behind, its soo useless for me to keep it. haha. Yeahhh, it is true that I have heartache in my life before and and there are soo many thing that I've been through until now ( Reaaal tough,ok ?) You know what,(what?-.-) these are the things that  none of us can avoids from right ? Im sure you guys had been through all those kind of problems and all -__- I've had suffer enough. Suffering is just like the price of being ALIVE (wah2, ayattt) and now, after all this, I will be confidently in the direction of my dreams ! I just want to live the life that I imagined. Forget all those things and never return from the past anymore. Its just that too much pain that I've to endured. Enough said and I just wanna love and appreciate people around me.

Thanks and Love You Guys Many Much ! ^_^

*Let me tell you the truth. Actually, I just copy&paste it all of the above from my facebook;about me. haha. Senang ja keja kan ? Malas lah nak tulih2 nih. Thats all from me :')

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Appearance


HuiHui ! I am back !!! Aku rindu blog aku yang tak seberapa ni yang sekian lama aku tak update blog sejak zaman jahiliah lagi. Kesian gilaaaa, follower pon rasa macam takmau follow aku dah. Cewahh, macam bnyak la sangat follower aku tu. haha. Now back to the bussiness. This year dah masok 2011, WOW ! aku dah ketinggalan nak tulis kat blog but nvm la, nak tulis jugakkk ! teheee. My wish for this year ? Ngehehe~ >:D Meh aku list down nah. *cakap utara pureeee paham kot noh ? ok sooo here we go ;

  • Firstly, I wanna be a very good with responsibility daughter to my mameh :') Auwwww~ Ntah tercapai or tak la kan -___- haha
  • Secondsecond, PMR please straight A's okay ? XD Hope sooo 
  • Thirdddd, I wanna love, appreciate and so on to people around me :) ThankYou Guys !
  • Then, (what could it be huh ? ) Oh yeah ! You and Me stay forever okay. Not only for this year of course. I mean, forever after :') Ahakkk XD ! ok. sangat gedik -_- haha.
Okayyy, dah la tu. I know none of all the above akan tercapai =__=' haha. except the 4th one :">
So thats all from me. I just wanna say 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' (sangatsangat ketinggalan) haha. Okay, enough said and merepek-ing. Byebye !